The existence of attorneys or lawyer in a criminal matter is something that is universal. This attorney has a position to provide legal assistance, both for the defendant and the victim. There is also the position of legal counsel in assisting in criminal matters, which you can understand more clearly from the following details of the 10 positions.

Lawyer who Sharing Legal Advice with Clients
Lawyer should have the function of distributing legal advice to the clients they are defending, whether the client is a victim or a defendant. This legal advice is given by attorneys to their clients, in order to distance the clients they provide legal protection from conflicts that might arise.
The provision of legal advice is especially needed because the clients who are accompanied do not understand the legal requirements for criminal problems that occur. With the assistance of legal counsel, the client will be able to go through the stages of the legal process easily.
Share Defense with Clients
When criminal matters have penetrated the trial sessions in courts of law or courts of law, attorneys assume the position of defending the interests of their clients. In proceedings before this court of law, the attorney will submit facts and considerations that are related and related to the client he is defending.
There is also the benefit of submitting this defense, namely that the judge can give the fairest possible verdict on criminal matters that have occurred. In a case of murder, for example, the attorney who accompanies the victim’s family must try to ensure that the suspect gets the appropriate punishment according to the applicable provisions.
Lawyer who Avoiding Formation of Fraud on Clients
The existence of attorneys also plays a big role in terms of preventing the formation of fraud on the clients they accompany. It could be that because there is no assistance from legal counsel, a defendant is sentenced to imprisonment for a period that is disproportionate to his actions. The attorney wants to try to make his client get the appropriate punishment.
Become a Negotiator as a Form of Legal Assistance
The attorney who has been appointed to accompany his client also has the position of a negotiator. Legal counsel wants to carry out negotiations in terms of disputes that arise in legal cases experienced by clients related to criminal law. In this way, the settlement of existing criminal problems will not further complicate the situation.
Avoiding the Formation of Abusive Treatment of Clients
The position of legal counsel in assisting in criminal matters also takes the form of deterrence against the possibility of arbitrary treatment of clients. This arbitrary treatment includes treatment that is attempted without considering the legal requirements. This kind of treatment could have been received by clients from opposing parties, let alone other law enforcement officers who had deviated.
Become a Mediator in Criminal Issues that Occur
Not only being a negotiator, attorneys can also act as mediators between their clients and opposing parties. With the existence of a figure who mediates in the conflict that occurs, so that peace can be established between the 2 parties involved in the criminal matter. The position of the attorney as a negotiator can of course be established, if the client has agreed to it first.
Lawyer who Exploring the Examination of Clients
The position of attorneys in assisting in subsequent criminal matters is exploring the course of checking, by the method of looking at and listening to checks on their clients. The position of this attorney was tested when the investigation process was underway. The arrival of the attorney at the time of checking is of course based on the approval of the investigator.
With the presence of a lawyer when checking a client takes place, it will provide emotional support to the client. The client, who in this context is the accused, will indirectly feel protected, so that he will dare to say the facts or the truth that he knows and lives.
Not only that, the presence of attorneys when the inspection takes place will also make the atmosphere of the inspection run in a humane manner. Being humane means that there will be no emotional outbursts coming out of the examiner’s side, which of course will make the attorney’s client feel pressured.
Avoid Formation of Errors in Document Arrangement
The presence of attorneys will be able to avoid the formation of errors in making claims, answers, duplications, replications, and any type of evidence required by the client. Errors that may be unplanned are contained in these meaningful documents, will be able to slow down the trial process, and have a legal impact that is detrimental to the client.
Lawyer who Bringing a Sense of Comfort for Clients
The position of attorneys in assisting in subsequent criminal matters is to create a sense of comfort for clients. This sense of comfort and protection applies both to clients who are in a position as a victim or a defendant. The client wants to feel more confident, because he has attorneys who want to defend him so that he can get justice.
Lawyer who has Active Position in the Court
If during the examination the attorney is passive, during the trial the person concerned is asked to be active in defending his client. The presence of a lawyer at trial is to exercise his rights, for the good of his client. Rights that are interpreted as the right to ask questions, the right to submit evidence, and the right to submit a defense or pledoi for clients.